What a time to be alive. Undoubtedly, we are in an unprecedented time. When you turn on the tv or scroll through your smartphone, there’s one headline that keeps on making waves – Coronavirus (CoVid-19). The first-ever pandemic of our generation (crazy, right?). It caught my attention back in January when it was still fairly…
9 Things I Learned My First Year Of Medical SchoolÂ
Having completed almost one and a half years in med school (woah!), I’ve been reminiscing on my first year and how much of a learning experience it was for me. For most new things, there’s always a period of adjusting and finding your bearings. Over the course of this time, I’ve learned some valuable truths…
5 Ways To Take Control of Your Mental Health
World Mental Health Day was a few days ago, and it had me thinking about the last few months (or should I say most of 2019). Before starting my second year of medical school, I was stuck in The Bahamas during Hurricane Dorian. As many people can imagine, the experience is something that I will…